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SCHEDULE (will be updated this week)

1st day


Pick up at Vitré train station (train arrives from Paris and Rennes around 9h38). 


welcome meeting at the CFPCI - Prieuré des Bénédictins, 2 rue des Bénédictins, 35 500 Vitré

10h30 – 13h00

Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)


Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)

2nd day

10h30 – 13h00

Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)


Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)

21h – 22h Concert of Omer Erdogdular and Ahmet Erdogdular with some students

3rd day

10h30 – 13h00

Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)


Workshop (2 parallel sessions : Vocal technique and Ney)

© 2019 by MakamOdissey

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